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Women's Bible Study:  He's Where the Joy Is (Beginning August 14th)

It's hard to know a God we don't understand, and it's hard to love a God we don't know. But our God wants to be known and loved, and He’s told us a lot about Himself in the pages of His Word.

Join Tara-Leigh Cobble in this 7-session study as she breaks down the intimidating doctrine of the Trinity. You'll discover a beautiful, foundational view of our Triune God that will transform how you relate to Him. Understanding God's three-in-oneness and each of the Persons of God individually—Father, Son, and Spirit—will lead you to deeper intimacy with God and greater joy in knowing Him!

Ladies, this study is for you!  We hope you'll join us each Wednesday at 6:30pm, in the Sanctuary, for an incredible time of growth, prayer, and connection, as we study God's Word together.

Men's Study:  Daniel (Fall 2024)

Join us in Men's Bible Study for an in-depth study led by Dennis Shea.  We are diving deep into the text, and learning together, what God is speaking to us through this powerful Old Testament book.  Don't miss this time connecting with other men, as we walk together through the Bible, on Wednesdays at 6:30pm in the lower level of Building 2.